Today, Congressman Neal Dunn, M.D. (FL-02) continued to prioritize his fellow veterans by introducing two bipartisan bills that address veteran employment and veteran suicide.
Congressman Dunn was joined by Congressman Conor Lamb (PA-17) and a bipartisan coalition of Congressional Members to introduce the Supporting Education Recognition for Veterans during Emergencies (SERVE) Act. This bill will ensure veterans’ medical qualifications and expertise gained during their service are utilized by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) and civilian healthcare facilities to meet the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic.
“As a veteran myself, I can attest to the incredible amount of detailed training and experience veterans receive while serving in our military. It is a waste to all of our industries and communities to not allow them to utilize their talents and skillsets upon return to civilian life,” said Dunn. “During the current pandemic, these individuals could make significant contributions to our communities given their extensive medical skills. It’s high time we formally recognize their special training and give them the opportunity to further serve our nation.”
Congressman Dunn also joined Congressman Tom Malinowski (NJ-07) in introducing the bipartisan VA Serious Mental Illness Act. This bill will support the mental and psychological health of veterans by expanding treatment options and improving treatment protocol at VA medical facilities.
“Suicide is on the rise, especially among veterans. These brave men and women have sacrificed for our country and now they need our help. It is an honor to join my colleagues in leading this bill. Streamlined clinical practice guidelines for mental health treatment will empower VA providers to better serve our nation’s veterans. We still have a lot of work to do; however, by increasing the resources our veterans need, we are taking a big step in combatting veteran suicide,” said Dunn.
This proposal and a wide array of other proposals that will improve veterans’ mental health care are included in S. 785, the Commander Scott Hannon Veterans Mental Health Care Improvement Act. The Senate passed S. 785 by voice vote earlier this month. Congressman Dunn strongly supports the House’s consideration of this bill.