Conservative For Congress

Key Priorities

Combat Biden's Inflation

Inflation has skyrocketed because of reckless overspending by Biden and Democrats in Washington. The cost of essential items like groceries, gas, rent, mortgages, and health care are far too high. It's nearly impossible for middle-class Americans to buy their first home or take out a small business loan. This is unacceptable, and it's why I have opposed Biden's ongoing spending spree. I will continue fighting against Democratic efforts to put trillions of dollars in unpaid bills on the backs of you and future generations.

Stop Illegal Immigration

The southern border is a disaster and it's a direct result of policy decisions made by Joe Biden. Biden and Democrats have literally encouraged illegal immigration to our country and even have demonized innocent border security officers on the front lines. Illegal, deadly drugs such as fentanyl are being smuggled into our country at levels never seen, resulting in over 100,000 deaths by overdose in the last year alone. No more excuses! We must immediately secure the border, enforce the laws we currently have on the books, stop amnesty for illegals, and outlaw sanctuary cities.

Counter The Chinese Communist Party

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) poses a major threat to the United States and our allies. Our overreliance on imported essential products and most notably, medical supplies from China compromises national security and the stability of our healthcare system. Additionally, the CCP is accessing sensitive personal data, including geolocation and personal information about our children. As a member of the House Select Committee on the CCP in Congress, I will continue my efforts to hold the CCP to account. 

Create Jobs and Expand the Economy

As someone who's been a small business owner, I know firsthand how difficult it is to wade through excessive government regulation. And as your Congressman, I know how tough it's been for people to navigate the last few years of economic uncertainty. I will continue to oppose efforts by Democrats to increase your taxes and will always support policies that will cut the red tape and make it easier for good-paying jobs to be created.

Support Israel

Hamas’ demonic massacre on October 7, 2023, against innocent civilians is being met with the appropriate response by Israel, and the United States must not kowtow to those in the far-Left press who have been calling for a unilateral ceasefire. There was a longtime ceasefire in existence on October 6th, and Hamas broke it. They don’t want to let Israel respond. However, Israel’s very safety and survival requires them to respond forcefully & convincingly. As a member of Congress, I will always stand by Israel & its right to exist peacefully and constructively among the community of nations. They are our closest ally in the Middle East, and they have made great strides toward generalized peace and prosperity in their region under the Trump administration in the Abraham Accords.

Fighting for the Sanctity of Life

I am 100% pro-life and will continue to fight for the rights of the unborn. As a specialist surgeon, I’ve operated on babies in utero. I know a baby’s life begins at conception. We must be a voice for the voiceless and ensure that women have sufficient care and support during and after pregnancy. I am proud to have an A+ score from Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America, the premier pro-life advocacy organization in the country. Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America: “Congressman Dunn has stood up against the pro-abortion agenda of the Biden-Harris administration and Pelosi Democrats who are actively working to expand abortion access and abortion funding. Rep. Dunn has voted consistently to defend the lives of the unborn and infants. This includes stopping hard-earned tax dollars from paying for abortion, whether domestically or internationally, and protecting health care provider rights for those who refuse to engage in brutal abortions.” 

No Vaccine Mandates

During the Covid-19 pandemic, many politicians at all levels of government tried to force Americans to accept an experimental vaccine. This was wrong, a major abuse of power, unconstitutional, and should never happen again! I strongly opposed Biden's vaccine mandates and supported reinstatement & providing back pay to members of the armed forces who were unjustly separated from the military due to refusing the COVID-19 vaccine. I also argued for the portions of the recently passed NDAA that offered complete reinstatement at prior rank for soldiers who were forced out of the military for refusing the vaccine.

Stand Up for Veterans & Support the Military

As a U.S. Army Veteran, I will continue to be a strong voice for our men and women who wear the uniform during and after their service. Many thousands of veterans call Florida's Second Congressional District home, and as long as I am in Congress, I will fight to make sure they get the support they deserve.

Protect the Second Amendment

The ‘Right to Bear Arms’ is one of the most fundamental and important rights in the Constitution and needs to be protected. As a lifetime member of the NRA and a Veteran, I cherish this right and will continue to fight to protect and uphold the 2nd Amendment.

Protect Our Values

Traditional family values are under attack from the Biden administration and the far left. In today's culture, you can be canceled for believing basic truths, such as there being only two genders and that God is real. Furthermore, the radical left believes in limiting your religious liberty. Unfortunately for them, that's not what our country's founders believed and not what our Constitution says! The Constitution says it's the government's job to protect religious liberty, not exclude it, and as your Congressman I've opposed every effort by Biden and Democrats to strip those liberties.

Stop Woke Indoctrination

The radical Left is determined to indoctrinate young Americans. We need to stop the Federal Government's takeover of our education system and let parents decide what's best for their children. I was proud to join other conservatives in voting for the Parents Bill of Rights, which would empower parents and give them a greater voice in their kids’ education.

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